Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 01 June 2021
Study on the Implementation of the Total War Strategy in War Against the Dutch Occupation (Pattimura War Case Study)
Madrohim, I Wayan Midhio
Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia

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Pages: 205-216
Keywords: Maluku, Pattimura War, Philosophy of Defense Science, Total War Strategy
The Total people's war is essentially a total war for all Indonesians by mobilizing all national strength and resources to uphold state sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national safety from other nations that threaten or occupy the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. The Total People's War is characterized by populist, totality and territorial characteristics. The Pattimura War was a war of the Maluku People led by Kapitan Pattimura against the Dutch occupation which took place from 16 May 1817 to 16 December 1817. This war was one of the battles the Dutch had ever fought during their occupation in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the extent to which the implementation of the total war strategy in the Pattimura War in 1817 carried out by Kapitan Pattimura in Maluku by identifying it from the aspects of the philosophy of defense science and total war strategy by using historical research methods and qualitative descriptive research methods with literature study techniques. The results of the study stated that in the context of the Pattimura War, the total war strategy could be synthesized as a total war for all the people of Maluku by exerting all their strength and resources to uphold the sovereignty and territorial integrity and the safety of the nation from the threat of Dutch occupation. Kapitan Pattimura has implemented a total war strategy characterized by populist, totality and territorial in the Pattimura War.
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