Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 12 March 2020
Taleqani as a Humanitarian Islamist: His Activities and Ideologies under Pahlavi Regime
Qolamreza Nassr
Hiroshima University, Japan

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Pages: 243-255
Keywords: Intellectuals, Revolutionary, Ideology, Unknown Characteristics
Ayatollah Seyyed Mahmoud Taleqani (1911-1979) spent most of his life opposing the tyrannical regime of Pahlavi. To save the Iranians from their tyranny, he referred to Quran because he believed it is the book for mankind’s salvation. His Quranic interpretation which was opposed by some prominent ulama, attracted some secular intellectuals who were under strong influence of ideologies such as Communism. He also expressed his discontent of ulama who condoned Pahlavi regime’s suppression, and neglected their own religious duties. Such a Taleqani’s criticism of the fellow ulama, together with his consistent support of Mosaddeq, has been regarded revolutionary. Although Taleqani has been examined in relation to the Iranian Revolution, this research aims to analyze his ideology and activity to extract some unknown characteristics under the Pahlavi’s. And the outstanding characteristic of Taleqani as a humanitarian Islamist will be finally found through the above consideration.
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