Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 15 August 2019
The Enigma of the Arab Spring and its Autumn
Asmaa Alduhaim
American International College, Kuwait

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Pages: 630-635
Keywords: Bouazizi, Oppression, Islamists, Arab Region, Brotherhood, Foreign Intervention, Freedom
Few years ago, the geographical area of the Arab region witnessed a significant change, where many countries protested against the regime, demanding political reform. Among the very various names, which was used to refer to this movement was the ‘Facebook Revolution' and the ‘Youth Revolution,' but perhaps the most popular and commonly used is the ‘Arab Spring.' This article embarks on explaining the term ‘Arab Spring, and the reasons behind its popularity. This is subsequently followed by brief account of the Arab Spring main events starting with Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, and Syria. In addition to clarifying the various reasons behind these uprisings. In an attempt to understand the constant critique of the Arab Spring, and the reasons why many label it as a failure, the article suggests THREE fundamental reasons that may have influenced the revolutions outcome and they are the lack of a peaceful transition of power, foreign intervention and the absence of free will. Perhaps these are the reasons to why the Arab Spring is chiefly an Arab Autumn drainage with blood, and lost hope.
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