Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 10 May 2024
The Jordanian Role of Consumer Protection Association in Defending Consumer Rights in Business: A Comparative Study
Ahmad Ibrahim Alsharu, Enad Ahmed Talafheh
Irbid National University, Jordan

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Pages: 93-102
Keywords: Consumer, National Society for Consumer Protection Association, Jordan, Consumer Right
The National Society for Consumer Protection in Jordan is a non-governmental organization seeking to educate the public on consumer problems. The objective of this paper was to elucidate the role of this association and the challenges it faces in the absence of courts for consumers and the failure to activate the role of the Consumer Protection Association in defending consumers. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the role of this association and the challenges it faces in the absence of defending the rights of consumers and pleading before the courts on their behalf. This research has been achieved by adopting numerous study techniques and methodologies. In this study, numerous methods are employed; the online questionnaire method (survey online), and doctrinal method. the researcher has also conducted online questionnaire. The purpose was to get responses from laymen in Jordan about the consumers’ awareness of consumers pertaining to Consumers Association in Jordan. The aim of this method was to support and achieve the objectives of this study and to get feedback from consumer in Jordan particularly on the issues regarding to the role of Consumers Association in Jordan. The main objective of this paper is to given the Consumer Protection Association in Jordan the legal stand in defending the rights of consumers, as it was found through the result that the Jordanian legislator did not give the association the legal authority to defend consumers. Thus, this study also gives suggestions to the private agency such as legal committee of Consumers Association to strengthen its power legally and formally in Jordan.
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