Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 26 July 2021
The Link Between the Type of Attachment and Religiosity
Toader Alina Mădălina, Vasiliu Alexandra, Constantinescu-Coban Raisa, Trifu Simona
University of Bucharest (Romania), “Spiru Haret” University (Romania), Romanian Society of Psychoanalysis (Romania), “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy (Romania)

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Pages: 31-35
Keywords: Attachment, Religiosity, Oversized Parental Figure, Primary Figure, Representation, Maturation, Anxiety, Avoidance
Motivation: This paper aims to show the central role of the notion of attachment in human behavior, the image of God in the representation of the believer as a parental figure and as an oversized attachment figure in the personal relationships, social and religious behavior. Methods: Scientific and comparative studies of different concepts from psychology of religion, social psychology, psychoanalytic theory, cognitive psychology as well as theory, research and behavioral studies. Results: Attachment to God seems to develop in a coordinated way with the maturation of attachment to the primary figure but also with the development of cognitive processes involved. In addition, in case of danger, loss and separation are validate the human and common response to approach God as a substitute figure of attachment, the intensification of religious activities. Conclusions: The need for attachment and attachment for religion is one of the prerogatives of survival, development and growth and it is present in all-important areas of the life, culture and in all societies. People who develop a secure attachment are less prone to become religious over time.
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