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Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 06 April 2020
The Peasant Movements of Ancient World and Their Basic Traits With Nature: A Retrospective Discourse
Kamal Chandra Pathak
Sonapur College, India

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Pages: 300-304
Keywords: Insurrection, Encompass Ed, Ecclesiastical, Manorial, Pastures, Escalated, Assertive, Arable, Scarce, Pillaged, Destitution, Vagrant, Villeins, Falsity, Extorted, Retarded, Tillers, Morale, Profit-Mongering, Samurais
While we deal with the nature and basic traits of the peasant movements of the ancient world; we come across several instances that project the nature and character of various peasant movements of the world. This research-based paper is an endeavor to present a brief picturesque of peasant movements of various parts of the ancient world along-with their traits and nature
- Werner Rosener, Peasant in the Middle Ages, Press, Cambridge, 1996, PP.7, 8, 16, 241, 242, 246, 249, 250
- G.M.Trevelyan, English Social History, Orient Longman Ltd., Mumbai, 2001, P.14
- A.K.Singh, History of Far-East in Modern times, Surjeet Publications, New Delhi, PP.5,7
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