Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 15 September 2024
The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Proposed Strategy at Conflicts: The Case Study of TOMY of the 3rd Health District, Greece
Efthymia Chatzidimitriou, Sotiria Triantari, Ganatsiou Emilia-Margarita, Effimia-Rafaella Vekiloglou
University of Western Macedonia (Greece), 3rd Health District (Greece)

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Pages: 145-155
Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Conflicts, Coordinator, Strategy, 3rd Health District
Aim of current study was to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence and behavior in conflicts between employees and coordinators at the TOMY of the 3rd Health District. A primary, quantitative, cross-sectional comparative research, between participants was accomplished. The valid and reliable (a≥0.781) WLEIS questionnaire was used to measure emotional intelligence. The sample was conducted by 143 employees, mainly women, married, 26-45 years old, doctors, nurses or administrative staff, holders of bachelor’s degrees with more than 3 years of work, who do not hold a coordinator position and have not been informed never about conflict management issues during their studies. Half of employees use the strategies of claim (25.53%) and cooperation (25.53%) to resolve conflicts. TOMY coordinator to resolve conflicts prefers to use problem solving (52.48%) or approach compliant with current legislation (24.82%). Different levels of emotional intelligence across employee behavior at conflict were observed in factors “Expressing Personal Feelings” (p=.028) and “Emotional control” (p=.005). Different levels of emotional intelligence across the coordinator approach at conflict, were observed in factor “Emotional regulation” (p=.008), and “Emotional control” (p=.010). Employees at the TOMY of the 3rd Health District presented high levels of emotional intelligence and used cooperation and claim, to resolve conflicts, avoiding the beneficial mediation strategy. TOMY coordinator uses problem-solving or is compliant with the current legislation strategy. Higher levels of expressing personal feelings and emotional control were related to the cooperation or mediation strategies to resolve conflicts.
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