Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 22 June 2023
The Strategy of Empowerment Communication to Fish Farmer of Catfish (Pangasius hypopthalmus) in the Village of Indonesia: Case Study in Koto Mesjid Village, Kampar Regency, Riau Province
Zulkarnain, Djuara P. Lubis, Arif Satria, Musa Hubeis
Riau University (Indonesia), Bogor Agricultural University (Indonesia)

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Pages: 172-187
Keywords: Strategy, Communication, Empowerment, Fish Farmers, Village
The research about strategy of empowerment communication to fish farmer was conducted in Koto Mesjid Village of Indonesia with the aim of formulating a communications strategy for fish farmer’s empowerment in the production and marketing of aquaculture efforts. The method for determining the strategy was designed based on the results of the analysis of communication behavior of fish farmers in empowerment activities around fish farmers, information access and control, production and marketing behavior, opinions from key informants, field facilitators, and fish farmers as administrators of PT Telkom's fostered partners. To facilitate strategy formulation, the design of a communication strategy uses a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis. The results of the research explain that the formulation of the strategy for empowering fish farmers in Koto Mesjid Village is through participatory empowerment communication, including: (1) utilizing the power of communication networks in an effort to form cooperative institutions (2) increasing the capacity of fish farmers characteristics through training and mentoring activities (3) implementing aquaculture business by utilizing production facilities, using appropriate and sustainable technology; (4) increasing the capacity and optimizing the performance of field facilitator in accordance with the standard facilitator performance to facilitate togetherness and independence of aquaculture businesses (5) increasing access to production information and building broad market access so that they have a bargaining position on product prices and are sustainable with government support; (6) implementing regular evaluation and monitoring of production and marketing of aquaculture business activities.
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