Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 13 January 2021
The Total War Strategy Through the Improvement of the Role of National Shipyard in Supporting Main Weapon System of Indonesian Navy
Madrohim, Lukman Yudho Prakoso
Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia

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Pages: 1-10
Keywords: Defense Industry, National Shipbuilding Industry, Capability
The national shipyard industry is an important component in realizing the independence of national defense. The independence of the countermeasures with the state's ability to make and prepare its own defense equipment needs without guaranteeing defense equipment products from other countries. In order to discuss the problem of efforts to increase the capability of the national shipyard industry, theories that support the strategy theory, the theory of capacity building and the theory of policy implementation are used. The method used in qualitative analysis is qualitative analysis, namely the existing phenomena regarding the national shipbuilding industry and qualitatively explains the data obtained from literature studies to gain an understanding of the strategies for dealing with them. The results of the analysis found that to ensure the implementation of policies to increase the capacity of the national ship industry, the formulation of defense policies needs to be guided by the principles, namely: integrated between all existing national resources (integrative), interactive communication between related entities (interactive), commitment a special transparency system in order to avoid leakage (transparency), requires an entity as the driver's authority to regulate authority (control), a special system to measure the performance accountability that has been implemented (accountability). So that the resulting strategy can produce a total war strategy by increasing the role of the national shipyard industry in supporting the needs of the Indonesian Navy's defense equipment.
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