Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 12 May 2020
Why is it Better to Suffer and Not to Die through Euthanasia? A Multi-perspective Analysis
Jabin J. Deguma, Melona C. Deguma, Honorio C. Añora, Venus Z. Loremia, Ann Frances P. Cabigon, Hayde S. Case
Cebu Technological University (Philippines), Department of Education, Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte (Philippines)

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Pages: 395-406
Keywords: Euthanasia, Pain, and Suffering, Instrumental Value, Ultimate Good
The paper underpins the argument that the experience of suffering cannot be a basis for the practice of euthanasia. Albeit, the advocates of euthanasia believed that the personal experience of suffering as sufficient motivation and justification to terminate life. The paper counter-argues through multi-perspective views on pain and suffering, which highlight the ‘instrumental value’ of pain and suffering to attain the genuine essence of happiness. Multi-perspective views include John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism, the different religions understanding, and luminary writers such as Viktor Frankl and Philip Yancey. An evaluation of the value of human suffering using Aristotle’s understanding of the ultimate good completes the discussion. By seeing the importance and value of human suffering, one can adequately prepare for an indeed ‘good death,’ the root word of the misused term: Euthanasia.
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