Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 15 December 2023
Combating Islamophobia through International Law: An Analysis with Human Rights Framework
Nehaluddin Ahmad, Zulkifly bin Muda, Rabiatul Haziqah
Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali

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Pages: 81-96
Keywords: Islamophobia, Human Rights, Muslim, Challenges, Religious freedom
This article explores the intricate problem of Islamophobia and how it affects religious tolerance and human rights. It begins by defining and analyzing the causes, current trends, and manifestations of Islamophobia to highlight its numerous difficulties. This article then examines international legal frameworks addressing this challenge by presenting case studies from India, France, Denmark, Korea, and selected nations that illustrate various approaches to combat Islamophobia. This article investigates the prospects for promoting religious tolerance and human rights in the face of Islamophobia, emphasizing the critical roles of civil society, education, interfaith dialogue, and policy recommendations as it offers a roadmap for future directions, recommending ways to build international consensus, strengthen legal mechanisms, and combat discrimination while calling for a collective effort to safeguard the principles of human rights and religious tolerance. Additionally, through a multidisciplinary approach, this article shall serve as a resource for policymakers, scholars, and activists committed to fostering a more inclusive and equitable society.
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