Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 18 January 2024
Dual Citizenship in Indonesia from the Perspective of Dignified Justice and Sovereignty
Koesmoyo Ponco Aji, M. Alvi Syahrin, Anindito Rizki Wiraputra, Teguh Prasetyo
Polytechnic of Immigration (Indonesia), University of Pelita Harapan (Indonesia)

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Pages: 27-38
Keywords: Dual Citizenship, Dignified Justice, Sovereignty
The granting of citizenship constitutes the sovereignty of a country. In state practice, all countries recognize the concept of citizenship because the existence of citizens is one of the requirements of a state. The generally recognized concept of citizenship is single citizenship. However, in the development of global life, countries are creating opportunities for dual citizenship for their residents. Through Law Number 12 of 2006 concerning Citizenship, the Indonesian government opened limited dual citizenship in Indonesia. The limited dual citizenship privileges given to children resulting from mixed marriages and children of Indonesian citizens born outside Indonesia have brought an influx and encouragement from the Indonesian diaspora for the concept of dual citizenship in Indonesia to be widely opened. This research aims to analyze the application of dual citizenship from the perspective of the theory of Dignified Justice and Sovereignty. This research uses a normative method with a conceptual approach, namely by identifying existing doctrinal principles or views. The theories used in this research are the theory of dignified justice and sovereignty theory. The research results show that the theory of dignified justice which originates from the noble values of Pancasila opens up space for the full implementation of dual citizenship in Indonesia, as a fulfilment of human rights and dignity itself. In the aspect of sovereignty theory, the application of single and limited dual citizenship is an absolute right of the Indonesian state which has been stated in its positive law. So it is important to refer to the nation's laws and cultural values as well as the country's long-term interests before implementing dual citizenship in its entirety.
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