Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 06 March 2023
Responsibilities of Marketplace Providers in Providing Non-Halal Information as Consumer Protection
Megawati Barthos
Borobudur University, Indonesia

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Pages: 51-61
Keywords: Responsibility, Marketplace, Consumer Protection
The Muslim community is prohibited from eating unclean food. Therefore, Indonesia as the majority of the population is Muslim, business actors are required to provide information about the raw materials of their products honestly and clearly so that it can be seen whether the product is halal or haram. Based on this, the formulation of the problem is what is the responsibility of the marketplace provider in providing non-halal information as a form of consumer protection. This research is studied in a normative juridical manner by using a statutory regulation approach and an analytical approach. The results of this study can find out that there is no regulation that requires business actors in the marketplace to include halal or non- halal information. Therefore, the government seeks legal protection for Muslim consumers so they are not fooled into buying food made from non-halal ingredients and/or food that has a mixture of non-halal ingredients by requiring business actors to provide correct, clear and accountable information, as well as include halal information and / or non-halal on the product.
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