Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 08 October 2022
Sayam as a Sanction Model Against Children in Conflict with the Law in Aceh
Muhammad Nur, Harun, Safrida, Alief Farhan
Malikussaleh University, Indonesia

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Pages: 13-20
Keywords: Sayam, Sanction Model, Children, Conflict, Law, Aceh
The Acehnese people use the sayam sanction approach to conflict resolution. Sayam is an Acehnese cultural framework influenced by Islamic values, which are still being implemented and were strengthened by Aceh Qanun Number 9 in 2008. This descriptive study of sayam as a model of sanctions for children in conflict with the law aimed to describe the characteristics of an individual involved, situation, symptom, or group in society. The juridical review is used because various factors influence applicable legal rules. According to the study's findings, the resolution of cases involving children in conflict with the law in Aceh is still carried out using sayam sanctions with three methods. In the first model, the resolution of cases involving children in conflict with the law is handled by the head of the family whose child is in conflict with the law with the family whose child is the victim. The most basic form of dispute resolution is recognized as a hereditary tradition still used by the community. In the second model, the victim child's parents report the perpetrator's evil actions against their children to the keuchiek (the head of the village). In this dispute resolution model, the active role of the keuchikas customary stakeholders and village leaders is more prominent. The third model in the sanction application against children in conflict with the law involves the Police. The Police actively supervise conflict resolution until a decision is reached at the gampong (village) level. However, in this resolution model, the Police are not actively involved in making decisions.
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