Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 22 December 2023
The Influence of Dante’s Thinking Over the Notions of Sovereignty, Imperialism, and its Potential in the Realm of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Blockchain Networks
Pierangelo Blandino
University of Lapland

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Pages: 164-178
Keywords: Medieval Literature, Dante, Law, Semiotics, De Saussure, Legal Validity, Blockchain
Ep. XIII provides a hermeneutic instrument to test legal validity today in the light of multi-layered phenomena shaping the ecosphere and infosphere. While De Saussure’s thrust regarded the one-to-one relation between a word and its meaning, Dantean multi-sensory theory may give more consistent framework to perceive the evolution of reality and its components at the time of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Schwab, 2014).
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