Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 26 July 2018
Organic Agriculture Contribution to the Rural Tourism Development in the North of Montenegro
Sandra Bojić
Yangtze University, China

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This research was conducted in order to determine the benefits that local communities in Montenegro can achieve by developing rural tourism. The main aim of this paper is to establish how organic agriculture can contribute to the rural tourism development. This research is non-experimental, based on the content analysis, observation method, case study method, and questionnaire. The obtained results showed that organic agriculture contributes to the development of rural tourism by creating a special niche market, giving the additional value to the product, providing tourists with the possibility of education on organic agriculture as well as contributing to the destination differentiation. Participation in the preparation of healthy food as well as in the rural jobs is the most interesting activity for tourists. Rural tourism also contributes to the creation or expansion of the organic product market. In order for organic agriculture to contribute to the rural tourism development in Montenegro, it is necessary to develop the awareness of youth about the significance and benefits that it provides by allowing the children to visit organic farms and participate in organic agriculture activities. There should be organized events which include public presentations on organic agriculture processes and the possibility of discussion with organic farmers. Another thing to be done is to expand the organic food market. It is also necessary to enable the promotion of every interested rural household through the internet and advertise domestic products through national television in order to protect them and support organic producers.
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