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Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Vol.3 No.2 (2020)
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Scoping Review of the Effects of Dietary Supplements on Postpartum Depression | Shian Ming Chen, Anne TM Konkle | University of Ottawa, Canada | 10.31014/aior.1994.03.02.120 | |
Right Coronary Artery: Abnormal Birth and Literature Review | A. Kante, B. Coulibaly, M. Daou, B. Bah, B. Bengaly, Toure T., D. Traore, Ongoiba N. | Anatomy Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine and Odontostomatology of Bamako (Mali), Surgery Department B, Point G University Hospital, Bamako, Mali
| 10.31014/aior.1994.03.02.119 | |
Childcare Before Birth: The Role of the Pediatrician | Luiz Antonio Del Ciampo, Ieda Regina Lopes Del Ciampo | University of São Paulo (Brazil), Federal University of São Carlos (Brazil)
| 10.31014/aior.1994.03.02.118 | |
Combinations of Workplace Stressors and Work- Related Injuries | Ben T. Wellens, Andrew P. Smith | Cardiff University
| 10.31014/aior.1994.03.02.117 | |
Combined Effects of Occupational Hazards: The Impact of Combined Stressors on Health and Work Performance | Rachel McNamara, Ben Wellens, Andrew P. Smith | Cardiff University, UK | 10.31014/aior.1994.03.02.116 | |
Lung Ultrasound on Critical Ill Patient with Lung Pathology | Khotib Amin Zamayel, Reza Widianto Sudjud | Padjajaran University, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1994.03.02.115 | |
Perceived Service Quality, a Key to Improved Patient Satisfaction and Loyalty in Healthcare Delivery: The Servqual Dimension Approach | Geoffrey Bentum-Micah, Zhiqiang Ma, Wenxin Wang, Sampson A. Atuahene, Victor Bondzie-Micah | Jiangsu University (China), University of Science and Technology of China (China) | 10.31014/aior.1994.03.02.114 | |
Current Research Status of SARS-CoV-2 as a Pathogen of COVID-19 | Satoru Nakamura | Kawatana Medical Center, Japan | 10.31014/aior.1994.03.02.113 | |
Management of Septic Shock According to SSC 2016 in Post Laparotomy Exploration due to Gastric Perforation | Yovita Koswara, Reza Widianto Sudjud | Padjajaran University, Sadikin General Hospital, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1994.03.02.112 | |
Patient Satisfaction on Pain Management Post Open Cardiac Surgery at the First 24 Hours after Extubation in Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung, Indonesia
| Reza Widianto Sudjud, Adimas Fajar Hartanto, Ruli Herman Sitanggang, M Andy Prihartono, Ricky Aditya, Nurita Dian KSS, Suwarman | Universitas Padjadjaran / Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung (Indonesia) | 10.31014/aior.1994.03.02.111 | |
Needlestick and Sharp Injuries Among Workers in Primary Health Care | Sabina Šegalo, Daniel Maestro, Lejla Berhamović, Emir Berhamović, Dinko Remić, Arzija Pašalić | University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Institute for Public Health of Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina, Public Institution Health Centre of Sarajevo Canton (Bosnia and Herzegovina) | 10.31014/aior.1994.03.02.110 | |
Emerging Mental Health Issues from the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic | Jeavana Sritharan, Ashvinie Sritharan | Ontario Tech University, Metrics Vocational Inc., ASKRehab
| 10.31014/aior.1994.03.02.109 | |
Emblica Officinalis (Amloki) – Could Be the Remedy for Side Effects of Iron Supplementation in Pregnancy | Tahmina Akter,Qazi Shamima Akhter, Saima Haque Lisa, Mst. Ariza Sultana, Tamanna Binte Habib, Farhana Sultana, Sharmin Nahar, Sayeda Tasnim Kamal, Farhana Rahman, Sharmin Khan | Dhaka Medical College and Hospital (Bangladesh), Parkview Medical College and Hospital (Bangladesh), National Institute of Neurosciences and Hospital (Bangladesh), Dhaka Community Medical College (Bangladesh), Moinamoti Medical College (Bangladesh) | 10.31014/aior.1994.03.02.108 |
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