Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 08 July 2023
A Teaching Note on Remedies for Breach of Contract under the Uniform Commercial Code
Richard J. Hunter, Jr., John H. Shannon, Henry J. Amoroso
Seton Hall University, University of Tulsa

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Pages: 26-48
Keywords: Administrative Strategy, Crisis, School Leaders, Academic Administration
This article explains the various remedies and categories of damages that are available to an aggrieved buyer or seller in the case of a breach of contract under the Uniform Commercial Code. Sections of the Code will be cited, as well as relevant cases, and detailed explanations will be provided as well for each Code Section.
42 U.S. Code Section 1983 (1979). Action for deprivation of rights.
42 U.S. Code Section 1988 (1976-1990). Proceedings in violation of civil rights.
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