Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 15 April 2023
A Teaching Note on Warranties
Richard J. Hunter, Jr, John H. Shannon, Henry J. Amoroso
Seton Hall University, University of Tulsa

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Pages: 40-57
Keywords: Warranty, Express Warranty, Implied Warranty of Merchantability, Warranty of Fitness, Warranty Disclaimer, Magnuson-Moss, Punitive Damages
This article is the fourth in a series of Teaching Notes on topics in a traditional Legal Environment of Business course. The article discusses warranties from the perspectives of both the Uniform Commercial Code and the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act. The article describes the three major consumer warranties (the express warranty, the warranty of merchantability, and the warranty of fitness), and offers explanatory comments on each. In addition, the article discusses warranty limitations and disclaimers. The article concludes with an in-depth look at both the dispute settlement mechanism under Magnuson-Moss and the nature of damages that can be awarded in cases of a breach of warranty provisions.
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