Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 27 June 2022
An Online Program for Teacher Learning to Enhance Students' Media Literacy Skills
Naphop Namjaidee, Phrakru Dhammapissamai
Mahamakut Buddhist University, Indonesia

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Pages: 612-625
Keywords: Online Program, Teacher Learning, Students' Media Literacy Skills
“An Online Program for Teacher Learning to Enhance Students' Media Literacy Skills” was a product of employing Research and Development (R&D) methodology. It consisted of the teachers' learning development project and the utilized the teachers’ learning outcomes for the student development project. The first project yielded six teachers’ learning handbooks, whereas the second project was composed of one action handbook that utilized the teachers’ learning outcomes to foster student development. The handbooks were evaluated in a school that represented the opportunity expansion schools under the Commission on Basic Education. In the experimental research model, which was designed with a one group pre-test/post-test, there was an experimental group of 12 teachers and 59 students. The results revealed that the invented online program had been effective and consistent with the study’s assumptions. The findings illustrated the following: 1) the post-experimental test for teachers had met the standard of 90/90, 2) the teachers’ post-test mean scores had been statistically significantly higher than before the experiment, and 3) after the experiment, the students’ mean score on media literacy skills assessment had been statistically significantly higher than before the experiment. In addition, the results verified that the created online program would be appropriate for the dissemination in the target opportunity expansion schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission throughout the country.
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