Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 26 May 2023
Assessing the Effects of In-service Training on the Performance of Ghanaian Basic School Social Studies Teachers
Francis Yeboah, Muriel Mavis Dangah, Eric Kofi Adjei
Offinso College of Education (Ghana), Seventh-Day Adventist College of Education (Ghana)

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Pages: 188-198
Keywords: Performance, In-Service Training, Social Studies Teachers, Effects, Ghanaian Basic Schools.
This study investigated the effects of in-service training on Social Studies teachers’ performance in Ghana. The study area was Offinso Municipality in the Ashanti Region. To achieve this purpose, the study examined the various training programmes available to teachers, the effect of training on the teachers’ performance and explored ways to improve teachers training at Offinso Municipality. The study adopted a quantitative approach and research design was descriptive survey. Questionnaire was used in getting data from respondents. The population of the study consisted of 550 teachers at Offinso Municipality in the Ashanti Region. However, 232 teachers were sampled using simple random technique. Data was collected and analyzed using quantitative analysis. The study found out that external or extramural courses were prepared for teachers as well as industrial experiences. The study found out that training among Social Studies teachers at Offinso Municipality had a moderate positive significant relationship with teachers’ performance. It was also found out that teachers’ in-service training could be improved at Offinso Municipality when copies of training modules were given to teachers after training to serve as reference materials. The study concluded that in-service training is statistically significant and positively related to Social Studies teachers’ performance. Finally, the study recommends that Ghana Education Service should improve upon its in-service training and development policy to be consistent with the needs of teachers in general.
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