Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 09 December 2018
Educational Equality among Social Classes: A Prerequisite for Social Reconstruction in Nigeria Multi-Ethnic Society
Donald Bette Enu (Ph.D.), Gimba Joseph (Ph.D.)
University of Calabar, Taraba State College of Agriculture

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Education is and will continue to be a major determinant of social mobility in Nigeria with a deep attachment to paper qualifications. It determines social class and breaks barriers of all kind of divides in the society. Education largely and increasingly determines an individual's job choice and income. It has more impact than any other factor, possibly excepting wealth, on whether one participates in politics, what one believes politically, and how much political influence one has. Social change and for multi-ethnic society to strive for meaningful and sustained development of the society, educational administrators, planners and all necessary institutions saddle with responsibilities of designing the curriculum in Nigeria are to brace themselves for a huge task of social reconstruction that will harmonized the ethnic divides and alley fears of inequality as a source of disharmony in the society. Education is the arena in which countries has sought to overcome racial domination and class hierarchy, reduce poverty, to turn immigrants into citizens, to turn children into responsible and active citizens, to create and maintain democracy, also demonstrates ways in which class biases are closely entwined with racial and ethnic challenges that reduce progress and development in Nigeria among ethnic groups as a matter of fact, is the best solutions to all challenges in our society.
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