Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 03 September 2021
Educational innovation into English as a Foreign Language Practices for Early Children: Neuroeducation and the Total Physical Response Method
Jean Carlos López Vélez, Jhonny Saulo Villafuerte Holguin
University Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Ecuador

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Pages: 377-389
Keywords: English as a Foreign Language, Educational Innovation, Neuroeducation, Motivation to Learn
This work aims to improve the practices of English as a foreign language of early children through the articulation of Neuroeducation and the Total Physical Response methodology. This work subscribes to the postmodern paradigm and the mixed educational research approach. The participants were thirty-five students from the second grade of primary education from Ecuador. The research team designed an educational intervention that mixed music and dance for creating more meaningful learning environments in language practices. The instruments used were contextualized observation, semi-structured interviews, and tests of English knowledge. The results allow determining the increase in the significant level of the classes and the motivation for learning English in all students. It is concluded that the articulation of the Total Physical Response methodology and Neuroeducation can contribute positively to the creation of meaningful learning environments and to the innovation of didactics for teaching young children of English as a foreign language.
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