Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 10 November 2022
EFL Pre-service Teachers’ and Interns’ Expectations and Satisfaction of International Practicum: An Exploratory Study on Patterns and Influential Factors
Bao Kham, Tran Thi My Phuong
Hue University (Viet Nam), The UK Academy International School (Viet Nam)

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Pages: 230-244
Keywords: International Practicum, Pre-service Teachers, Interns, Expectations, Satisfaction
This exploratory study explored EFL pre-service teachers’ and interns’ expectations and satisfaction of their overseas practicum. The data was collected from in-depth interviews with five fourth-year students in a regional university in Viet Nam, who participated in their international practicum in Thailand. Analyzed on the basis of a conceptual framework of personal, supervising, professional, and contextual elements, the results showed three distinctive patterns: (1) high expectations - high satisfaction, (2) medium expectations – high satisfaction, and (3) medium expectations – medium satisfaction. The findings also indicated various influential factors for each pattern such as confidence, creativity, supervision, mentors’ manners, and expectation (mis)match. The research results highlighted three significant emergent issues: the role of personal element, the impact of the supervisor, and the importance of practicum work-load. The study suggested practical implications for EFL trainee teachers, EFL teacher trainers, and practicum organizers and administrators.
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