Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 30 April 2021
English Teachers’ Views on Distance Education in the COVID-19 Pandemic Process
Önder Şanli
Adıyaman University, Turkey

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Pages: 339-353
Keywords: Distance education, Covid-19, Class management, English teachers, Coronavirus
Classroom education in Turkey, also in most of the countries, has been temporarily abandoned to lower the speed of transmission of COVID-19 pandemic. It has been resolved that the continuity of education should be maintained through distance learning. This study has been done through qualitative case study. The study group is composed of 30 English language teachers who teach at secondary schools in the city of Malatya. The data collection of this study has been done through semi-structured interviews. This study deals with what English language teachers think about distance learning, what problems they face regarding distance education, and what corrective actions they think should be taken. In compliance with the aim of the study, English language teachers working at secondary schools have been asked about their opinions on the distance education during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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