Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 07 February 2022
Examination of Teachers' Perceptions of Self-Efficiency and Program Literacy
Rafet Aydın, Sümeyye Kurt
Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Turkey

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Pages: 90-117
Keywords: Perception, Teacher, Self-efficacy, Program, Program literacy
The purpose of this research; It consists of determining teachers' self-efficacy perceptions and curriculum literacy and examining whether there is a relationship between them. In this study, the relational survey model, one of the scientific research models, was used. The universe of this research consists of a total of 900 teachers working in the Bucak district of Burdur province. The sample is; consisted of 352 teachers, 133 male and 219 female. The data of the research collected with “Personal Information Form,” “Teacher Self-Efficacy Perception Scale” and “Curriculum Literacy Scale.” The collected data were analyzed with computer package programs. In this study, it was seen that teachers' self-efficacy perceptions were at a high level and these self-efficacy perceptions were the least in the dimension of student motivation and the most in the classroom management dimension. Teachers' self efficacy perceptions; It was concluded that there was no significant difference according to gender, age, educational status and graduated higher education institutions. It was concluded that the curriculum literacy of the teachers, the other dimension of this research, is at a high level. In other words, it was concluded that the teachers had a high level of program literacy. Program literacy of teachers; While there is no significant difference according to gender and graduated higher education institutions; differed significantly according to the educational institutions they worked in. It has been revealed that there is a positive, positive and moderate colleration between teachers' self-efficacy perceptions and their curriculum literacy.
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