Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 30 April 2021
Examining How Management Skills of School Administrators Contribute to Organizational Climate according to the Perceptions of Teachers Working in Public High Schools: Konya Province Case
Felat Avunç, Veli Onur Çelik
Anadolu University (Turkey), Eskisehir Technical University (Turkey)

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Pages: 691-702
Keywords: Management Skills, Organizational Climate, School Administrators
The purpose of the study is to explore how management skills of school administrators contribute to organizational climate according to the opinions of teachers working in public high schools. The data were collected by using “Contribution of Managers’ Management Skills to Organizational Climate Scale” developed by Akar (2006). The teachers who work in public high schools in Konya province in Turkey were the target population of this study and 448 teachers were determined as the sampling. In addition, T-test and ANOVA test were used to calculate the significance levels for the scale dimensions according to demographic information. The findings revealed quite high values for “Thrust” and “Aloofness” dimensions as well as a significant difference in “Aloofness” dimension for “School Type” variable. Halpin (1966), in his study, determined six organization types and suggested that open climate is the most positive one. The high values obtained for “Thrust” and “Aloofness” dimensions in this study indicate lack of open climate; therefore, management skills of school administrators are not sufficient in creating an open climate at schools and fail to have a holistic effect on teachers.
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