Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799
Published: 03 July 2020
Mentors Views on Mathematics and Science Student Teachers School Experience
Leonard Nkhata, Asiana Banda, David Chituta, Jack Jumbe, Beauty Choobe
The Copperbelt University, Zambia
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Pages: 285-299
Keywords: Student Teachers, Mentors, School Experience, Classroom Management, Instructional Strategies, Behavioural Patterns, Co - Curricular Activities, Mentoring
This study investigated mentors’ views on Mathematics and Science student teachers’ school experience with a focus on student teachers’ classroom management practices, instructional strategies, student-mentor relationships, behaviour patterns, and participation in co – curricular activities. It utilized a descriptive survey design on a sample of 60 mentors, 43 males and 17 females, randomly drawn from the departments of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in twenty two (22) secondary schools across Zambia. Questionnaires and focus group discussions were used in data collection. SPSS was used to analyse quantitative data to arrive at descriptive statistics such as frequencies, means and standard deviations while qualitative data were transcribed and then analysed using Atlas.ti. The study revealed that mentors had positive thoughts of Mathematics and Science student teachers’ classroom management practices, and instructional strategies. It was also evident that a positive rapport was created between mentors and student teachers and that mentors saw Student Teachers’ behavioural patterns as generally acceptable and upheld professional ethics. Furthermore, mentors were satisfied with the levels of student teachers’ participation in co – curricular activities. The study results revealed, therefore, that mentors had positive thoughts of the student teachers school experience.
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