Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 18 February 2022
Multicultural Self-efficacy of Undergraduate Students Majoring in Guidance and Counseling
Yosef, Fadhlina Rozzaqyah, Sigit D. Sucipto
Sriwijaya University, Indonesia

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Pages: 201-208
Keywords: Multicultural Self-Efficacy, Guidance and Counseling, College Students
Knowing the level of multicultural self-efficacy would be helpful for undergraduate students pursuing degree in guidance and counseling and guidance and counseling study program as well. The objective of this study was to describe their multicultural self-efficacy in relation to learning context in college. 201 undergraduate students (150 females and 50 males) majoring in guidance and counseling of 7 public universities in Indonesia participated in the survey. A 42 item-questionnaire named Multicultural Self-Efficacy Scale for Student (MESS) was administered via Google Form. Analysis was done as appropriate on the analysis of variance level according to demographic data. Findings indicated that students have moderate to high multicultural self-efficacy. Female students had slightly higher scores than their male peers. In addition, students of western part of Indonesia has slightly higher multicultural self-efficacy compared to their peers of middle and eastern part.
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