Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 27 June 2019
Poor Municipal Waste Management and Its Health Implication: A Case Study of Kabul City
Azizullah Yosufi
Bamyan University, Afghanistan

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Pages: 426-434
Keywords: Municipal Waste Management, Kabul, Zoonoses, Heavy Metal, Public Health
A detailed study of the ongoing situation shows that the solid waste management in Kabul is not appropriate and a set of challenges exists in a different part of the system, local people have more concern with solid waste, but from another side, they devote less attention to them. Most of them do not have knowledge about the impact of hazardous waste and how to separate and recyclable. Management of municipal solid waste in Kabul has travailed neglect from government and the general public. These negligence lead to several health issues such as direct injuries from a contaminated sharp object, water contamination by excreta and effect of heavy metal components of municipal solid waste as well as flood resulting from drain occlusion. All these flowers in the possibilities for the transition of food and waterborne zoonozes, and the emergence and re-emergence of new zoonozes. To ensure environmental protection and opportunity to the public health, more effort is required by the government, environmental agencies, and the general public. The whole system needs a behavioral change from the public site and better waste management practice on the local government side. Solid waste management practices are not adequate and show very common constraint in collection, management, and disposal of solid waste. The problem such as access to the proper facilities lack of treatment program lack of infrastructure planning and technical leadership and lack of knowledge. These efforts should be geared toward public enlightenment and enforcement of policies and legislation on sanitation, improvement of founding, development of recycling, and landfill to improve the standard solid waste management in Kabul.
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