Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 22 August 2023
Quality in Education: Ascertaining the Use of Rubrics for Successful Implementation of OBE at the Tertiary Level in Bangladesh
Tasnia Farzana, Adil Ilahi
Cox’s Bazar International University

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Pages: 135-153
Keywords: Rubric, Outcome-Based Education, Rubric Design, Rubric Types
This article highlights the potential of rubrics as tools for effective assessment in education by encouraging students to pursue high-quality education, assessing students in ways other than traditional testing, and fostering outcome-based education. It highlights the importance of quantitative research for data gathering and analysis, as well as the use of statistical applications like SPSS for data analysis in educational research. The study examines various types of rubrics and their components to create a full rubric for classroom effectiveness. It also provides literature on appropriate rubric usage for students and teachers, as well as rubric researchers. The findings suggest that a nationwide database of discipline-specific rubrics is necessary for preserving and advancing standards in technical and higher education. A guidelines handbook should be developed before employing rubrics. Implementing rubrics at elementary and secondary levels is essential for students to advance to higher education, as they may be exposed to unprepared OBE approaches in cities with inadequate communication and technology skills. The Ministry of Higher Education should determine teaching obligations and responsibilities, and universities should implement rubrics immediately and emphasise them. The findings are relevant to both students and teachers, emphasising the importance of user perception, rubric design, and intended use in determining the usefulness of rubrics in raising student performance. By optimising variables based on trustworthy data and knowledge of the intended educational context, educators can maximise students' learning opportunities.
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