Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 22 June 2023
Raising of Tolerance Consciousness Through Multicultural Education in Post-Conflict Regions of Indonesia
Joshua Fernando, Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo, Pudji Muljono, Rustono Farady Marta
IPB University (Indonesia), Mpu Tantular University (Indonesia), Satya Negara Indonesia University (Indonesia)

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Pages: 244-257
Keywords: Multicultural Education, Social Capital, Tolerance, Younger Generation, West Kalimantan
As a country full of natural resources, Indonesia has a long-term responsibility to synergize with human resource development. This study aims to see efforts to raise awareness of the younger generation's tolerance for diversity through multicultural education in the post-conflict area of West Kalimantan, Indonesia. This study was reviewed using Paulo Freire's theory of Educational Dehumanization supported by the concept of Social Identity and Vita Cotemplativa Hannah Arendt. This study uses a qualitative approach with case study methods and data collection using in-depth, focused interviews with figures related to the process of multicultural education in West Kalimantan. This study found the importance of multicultural education as social capital for the younger generation to form awareness in understanding diversity tolerance. Furthermore, through multicultural education, the younger generation is expected to be able to minimize and break the chain of ethnic conflicts in the future so that attention is needed from various parties such as parents, schools, communities, governments, and relevant stakeholders, considering that the Kalimantan region is the center for the construction of the new and new Indonesian capital city government. Therefore, sustainable development is needed to start by increasing the capacity of the young generation from an early age.
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