Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 05 April 2021
Teachers’ and Students’ Perception of Students’ Rating as a Tool for Evaluating Language Instruction in College of Education, Warri, Nigeria
Esevosa Augustine Obiunu, Rose Jummai Musa, Uche B. Gbenedio
College of Education (Nigeria), University of Benin (Nigeria)

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Pages: 33-40
Keywords: Teachers, Students, Perception, Rating Tool, Evaluation, Language Teaching
This study was designed to investigate teachers’ and students’ perception of students’ rating as a tool for evaluating language instruction in College of Education. It examined the percentage of teachers and students who perceived students’ rating as a tool for evaluating language instruction; it also tested to ascertain the significant differences in the perception of students’ rating as a tool for evaluating teachers’ language instruction. The population of the study comprised all the fourteen (14) lecturers and all the two hundred and twenty one (221) Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) students of the English Department, College of Education, Warri in the 2015/2016 academic session. The manageable size of the population informed the researchers’ choice of purposively using the entire population as the sample for the study. Two research questions were answered and three research hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Two instruments titled Teachers’ Perception of Students’ Rating (TPSR) with a reliability coefficient of 0.68 and Students’ Perception of Students’ Rating (SPSR) with a reliability coefficient of 0.87 were used to gather data for the study. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The result of the study showed that there is no significant difference in the perception of NCE students on students’ rating as a tool for evaluating teachers’ instruction but data analysis revealed a significant difference in the perception of NCE students of different academic levels on students’ rating as a tool for evaluating teachers’ instruction. Furthermore, there is no significant difference in the perception of teachers of different academic qualifications and years of teaching experience on students’ rating as a tool for evaluating teachers’ instruction. It was concluded that students’ rating of teachers’ instruction should be adopted for quality education and academic excellence instead of the use of publications, paper presentation at conferences and workshops attendance for annual performance evaluation for teachers in College Education, Warri and similar institutions.
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