Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 07 February 2019
The Academic Experience of 1st Year International Students at Northeast Normal University: A Case Study of Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China
Huma Akram, Yang Yingxiu
Northeast Normal University Changchun China

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The present study explored the Academic Experiences of 1st year International Students in Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China. The trend of globalized education attracting thousands of international students towards China every year for their Higher Education & its flow is increasing so far. Hosting universities are trying to provide them with all the required facilities in order to achieve maximum academic performance and high satisfaction by the international students. That's why this study aimed to investigate the academic experiences of international students and what do they perceive. The current study involved 80 1st international students from various countries who were enrolled in Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D. programs in NENU, Changchun, China. The study employed the quantitative method which is followed by the adapted questionnaire, at 5-point likert scale developed by Almeida at el in 1999, namely Academic Experience namely QVA-r. It is comprised of five dimensions, i.e. Personal, Interpersonal, career study and institutional. As per statistical findings among all dimensions career and institutional dimension shown best adaptation rate among 1st-year international students in NENU. Male participants were determined with better adaptation in contrast with female students. QVA-r has shown as a good tool to evaluate international students' academic experiences of higher studies
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