Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 20 September 2019
The Counseling Role of the Teacher in Greek Secondary Schools: Investigating Students' Attitudes Toward It
Zacharo Kouni, Marios Koutsoukos
School of Pedagogical and Technological Education

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Pages: 629-639
Keywords: Secondary Education, School Counseling-Guidance, Adolescents
In Greece, little empirical research has been done to investigate Junior High School students' perceptions on the teacher's role in a guidance and counseling framework, and no recent research at all for High School students respectively. The purpose of the present study fills that gap, using a quantitative research method. The sample consists of 487 students from three General Junior High Schools (Gymnasium) and three General High Schools (Lyceum), as well as one Vocational High School (EPAL). The results show clearly that students desire to have counseling support at their school and also need their teachers to have guidance and counseling skills, to listen to and understand their problems, to support them with what troubles them, to encourage them and contribute to the development of their personality.
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