Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 10 April 2019
The Effect of The use of Gadget on Psychosocial, Socio- Emotional, Self-Reliance, Responsibility, and Students Learning Results in Elementary School
Iskandar Agung, Ferdi Widiputera, Widodo
Center for Policy Research on Education and Culture, Research and Development Agency, the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Republic of Indonesia

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Pages: 276-291
Keywords: Gadget, Psychosocial, Socio-Emotional, Self-Reliance, Responsibility, Student Learning Results
This study aims to determine the impact of using gadgets on psychosocial, socio-emotional development, self-reliance, responsibility, and student learning outcomes. The focus of this study is elementary school students in urban areas with samples taken from six schools, three each in East Jakarta and South Jakarta in the Indonesian capital city, DKI Jakarta. The results showed that the use of gadgets had a significant influence on psychosocial, socio-emotional, self-reliance, responsibility development, then this variable became mediation which had a significant influence on student learning outcomes. Although it can have a positive or negative impact, it is difficult to limit the use of this gadget to students. For this reason, it is recommended that teachers be able to develop and utilize the use of gadgets in teaching and learning activities to students, encourage creativity, critical thinking, collaborative learning, and encourage problem solving learning. Every element in the school (headmaster, class teacher, guidance and counseling teacher, and others) must intensively explain to students about the impact of using positive or negative gadgets. Schools also need to work with parents to pay more attention to and control the use of gadgets by their children at home.
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