Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 28 May 2020
The Effect of Using Youtube to Increase the Level of Listening Skills Among Non-Native Students of Arabic Speakers in Malaysian Universities
Shorouk Mohamed Farag Mohamed Farag Aboudahr
Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia

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Pages: 207-219
Keywords: Youtube, Listening Skills, Non-Native Speakers, Arabic Languages
Learning through YouTube has become one of the main sources of learning in the student's life at the present time which provides illustrative images, scalability of knowledge, and ease of searching for sources of knowledge. It also provides the student with large areas of self-learning and the provision of knowledge according to the desire of the student. On the contrary, other learning sources, where knowledge and goals are limited as well as time and place. Therefore, the current study deals with knowledge of the students' performance in listening skills by using YouTube among students of non-native Arab speakers by adopting Connectivisim Theory. To achieve the objective of this study, the researcher intends to use the questionnaire survey to measure the effect of using youtube to increase the level of listening skills among non-native students of Arabic speakers. The study sample size was 144 students selected through the stratified sampling method from non-Arabic speaking students at the International Islamic Universiti Sultan Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah (UniSHAMS). The study used (SPSS,25) to investigate the hypotheses. Furthermore, the study showed that using YouTube has a highly significant impact on increasing listening skills for non-native students of Arabic speakers.
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