Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 11 April 2023
The Impact of Self-motivation on the Effective Job Performance of Staff: A Case Study of a Private Hospital in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Emma Juliana Adnan, Ali Sorayyaei Azar
Management and Science University, Malaysia

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Pages: 11-28
Keywords: Self-Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Effective Job Performance
Like many other methodological motivations, the relationship between motivation and job satisfaction has been defined in many psychology studies. The model of impacts of rewards towards job satisfaction has been used by many organizations for their approach and reference. However, little research has been done to explore the impacts of self-motivation amongst staff at a private hospital in Kuala Lumpur towards their effective job performance. The paper is derived from factors that influence staff motivations and how these motivations can affect their job performance, using quantitative research data collection. The theory and results of the study are also briefly discussed. The Table of Reliability, Correlation and Regression analysis is presented in this thesis study for further reference. The results of this study suggest that the relationship between self-motivation and performance is a two-way relationship, where performance is also a key measure of a person’s job satisfaction in his or her job. High job satisfaction, especially in the element of supervision, co-workers and the work itself can improve the emotions and behavior of employees in the workplace, as well as motivate employees to become more committed to attaining better performance.
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