Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 24 October 2022
The Problems and Opportunities of Hybrid Education for School Management
Münir Şahin
Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi

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Pages: 96-103
Keywords: Hybrid Education, Education Administrators, Face to Face Teaching, Online Education
The teaching model in which students and teachers come together in a physically surrounded school environment face to face was the only teaching model until the 1990s. Technological developments first showed their effects in higher education in the 1990s and online teaching method started to become widespread. Today, it is not possible to ignore the benefits of face-to-face education in schools, but almost all educational institutions, from primary schools to universities, have switched to online distance education very quickly with the Covid-19 epidemic. Hybrid teaching is a teaching model that combines face-to-face and online teaching into a single whole. About half of the classroom sessions are held in classrooms at school, while the other half has students working online. While this sounds good, hybrid teaching requires a lot of planning to work properly. In this paper, the problems and opportunities of hybrid education for school management are studied under the light of literature. Although hybrid education has many benefit on the part of students and teachers as well as administrators, It also brings some problems that administrators have to tackle with. The literature about hybrid education forces education administrators to plan about technical needs, human sources, students and parents.
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