Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 16 April 2021
The Role of School Leadership in Improving Teachers and Employee Work Disciplines
Tri Turnadi, Rambat Nur Sasongko, Muhammad Kristiawan, Sheren Dwi Oktaria, Edy Susanto
SMA Negeri 2 Lahat (Indonesia), Universitas Bengkulu (Indonesia), Universitas Dehasen (Indonesia)

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Pages: 138-146
Keywords: Leadership, Teacher, Employees
This study aims to determine and describe the role of principal leadership in improving the work discipline of teachers and employees and to find out what obstacles are obstacles to the role of principal leadership in improving the work discipline of teachers and employees at SMA Negeri 2 Lahat. This research is a descriptive qualitative research type and uses purposive sampling technique. There are five roles of the Principal and two obstacles faced by the Principal in improving the work discipline of teachers and employees. From the results of the research shows that the principal of SMA Negeri 2 Lahat carries out the role as a leader by planning and deliberating, as a manager by creating collaboration between teachers and employees, as educators by preparing learning program plans as administrators by managing facilities and infrastructure as well as financial administration, motivators. by providing motivation with a conducive school environment. The obstacles faced by school principals in improving the work discipline of teachers and employees are teachers and employees who are less disciplined in carrying out their duties so that they are also difficult to improve their work discipline, as well as obstacles in inadequate school facilities and infrastructure.
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