Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 18 May 2020
To Declare or Not to Declare [Bankruptcy]: That May Be the Question,
A Tale of Bankruptcy in Higher Education
Richard J. Hunter, Jr, John H. Shannon, Henry J. Amoroso, Hector R. Lozada
Seton Hall University, USA

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Pages: 170-193
Keywords: Bankruptcy, Reorganization, Examiner, Labor, Automatic Stay, Employment, Title IX
This case study provides the background for a discussion of the bankruptcy of a composite non-profit corporation under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code, and the possible alternatives available to bankruptcy. Topics considered include: reorganizations, the selection of a bankruptcy trustee or an examiner, duties of a non-profit board, the automatic stay, aspects of the creation and confirmation of the bankruptcy plan, priority of creditors, termination of employment contracts for tenured and non-tenured faculty and those faculty represented by a union, at-will employment, and Title IX implications for any bankruptcy filing. The case study then turns to a discussion of options and perspectives available in the case that bankruptcy under Chapter 11 is not seen as a viable or practical alternative. Could the real target of restructuring and cost cutting be academic tenure?
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