Engineering and Technology Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2622-9374

Published: 08 July 2019
Student Course Satisfaction in Learning Management System
Bed Prasad Dhakal
Tribhuvan University, Nepal

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Pages: 82-90
Keywords: Student Course, Learning Management System
The paper entitled " Student Course Satisfaction in Learning Management System" is based on one-cycle technical action research methodology. It aimed to enhance students learning participation in LMS. The participants for this study were 26 students studying Mathematics and English education at ODEC, TU. Tools used in the study were baseline, and end-line survey on (a) students course satisfaction on LMS and (b) students perception on usefulness of four pedagogical tools in LMS: content tools, communication tools, feedback tools, and assessment tools. The reliability and validity of the tools were established by Cronbach alpha and principal component factor analysis. The data in the study were collected through an online Google form before and after AR intervention. The collected data were analyzed using inferential statistics t-test for significance test. Based on the result, this study found that students were more satisfied from LMS when it is re-designed according to AR intervention for engaged and interactive pedagogical tools: content tools, communication, and interaction tools, feedback and support tools. However, assessment tools were found to re-design in the next cycle. The study also found that math students were more satisfied from LMS than English students. Boys students were more satisfied in LMS than Girl students. However, the reasons need to the explorer in the next cycle. From the study, it is concluded that LMS itself is not a sufficient tool to enhance students learning participation, but it needs to design with pedagogical thoughtfulness while implementing an online learning environment. So, creating an engaged and interactive learning environment helps to increase student's course satisfaction in LMS. As a teacher cum researcher, it is learned that LMS should design to maintain a reciprocal relationship between teacher, student, and learning content.
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