Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 07 September 2020
Agency Theory, Accounting Based Performance Evaluation Systems and IFRS: A Brief Relational Overview
Bruce Geddes
Keiser University

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Pages: 1158-1164
Keywords: Agency Theory, Accounting, Performance Evaluation Systems, IFRS
This paper covers multiple related topics. To begin, the use of a performance evaluation system is helpful to the success of an organization (Wu et al., 2018). Performance evaluation systems drive corporate governance by results. The metrics used in the evaluation determine the direction that the executives of a company will govern it; corporate governance influences firm performance (Brahmana et al. 2018). The research topic covered is Agency Theory, its relation to corporate governance on an international scale related to IFRS. The paper concludes the issues with a look at the possible future effect on corporate governance and areas of future research.
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