Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Analysis of Determinants of Stock Transaction Volume and Its Effect on the LQ45 Stock Price Index on IDX 2010-2020 Period
Mohammad Noor Salim, Gabriel Anugrah Pratama
Mercu Buana University, Indonesia

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Pages: 134-150
Keywords: LQ45 Index, BI Interest Rate, Dollar Exchange Rate, Yuan Exchange Rate, SSE Index, Transaction Volume
The LQ45 stock index is a stock index that concerns investors in monitoring the development of company performance that is included in the LQ45 index calculation. Several factors that can cause the movement of the LQ45 stock index include BI interest rates, exchange rates, and global stock exchanges such as the Shanghai Composite Index. The study was conducted to determine the effect of the BI interest rate, dollar exchange rate, yuan exchange rate and the Shanghai Composite Index (SSE) on the LQ45 stock index. The study was conducted using 121 samples consisting of monthly data for all variables from 2010 to 2020. Data analysis was performed using multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The results show the BI interest rate, dollar exchange rate, yuan exchange rate and Shanghai Composite index simultaneously have a significant effect on the LQ45 stock index. BI interest rate and yuan exchange rate partially have a significant effect on the LQ45 stock index. The dollar exchange rate and Shanghai Composite index have no significant effect on the LQ45 stock index. The BI interest rate, dollar exchange rate, yuan exchange rate and Shanghai Composite index simultaneously affect volume of transactions. Partially, BI interest rate, dollar exchange rate, yuan exchange rate have a significant effect on transaction volume, while Shanghai Composite index has no significant effect on transaction volume. Simultaneously, BI interest rate, dollar exchange rate, yuan exchange rate, and Shanghai Composite index have a significant effect on the LQ45 stock index with transaction volume as an intervening variable.
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