Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 22 December 2020
Can Digital Technology Really Contributes to Purchase Power? The Case of Digital Hospitality Application by Finnet Indonesia Corp
Dian Yuliawati, Dwi Sunu Kanto, Noverdi Bross
Trilogi University, Indonesia

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Pages: 1645-1653
Keywords: Brand Image, Digital Technology, Purchasing Power, Price
Every producer always tries to achieve the goals and objectives through the products they produce. The resulting product can be sold or purchased by the end consumer at a price level that provides long-term corporate profits. It is in this framework that each producer must think about marketing its products, long before the product is produced until the product is consumed by the end consumer. This study aims to find out the effect of Brand Image and Price on the Purchasing Power of Property which is mediated by Digital Technology. This study used 91 respondents who were tenants of the Premium Cluster Apartments who used digital technology applications. This study uses Brand Image and Price as independent variables, Digital Technology as a mediating variable, and Purchasing Power as the dependent variable. Data obtained using a questionnaire and processed and analyzed using path analysis techniques. The results show that Brand Image has a positive and significant effect on Digital Technology, Price has a positive and significant effect on Digital Technology, Digital Technology has a significant effect on Purchasing Power, Brand Image has a positive and significant effect on Purchasing Power, Price has a significant effect on Purchasing Power, Digital Technology has a significant positive effect on mediating between Brand Image on Purchasing Power, Digital Technology mediates between Price and Purchasing Power.
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