Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 30 March 2020
Community Buyers’ Affective Reactions in Social Commerce: Stimuli and Response
Ying-CHieh Yang, I-Hua Lin, Hui-Chu Chen
Zhaoqing University (China), Taiwan Shoufu University (Taiwan), Transworld University (Taiwan)

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Pages: 404-418
Keywords: S-O-R Model, Affective Reactions, Consumer Engagement in Social Commerce Intention
Based on the S-O-R model, the purpose of this study is to probe the roles of community buyers’ affective reactions (trust and perceived risk from social commerce) in relationships between five stimuli and consumer engagement in social commerce (CESCI). Integrating prior studies in the social commerce field develops a conceptual model and 12 hypotheses. All data collected from the target population in Taiwan are analyzed through two-step structural equation modeling (SEM) to examine the hypotheses. Of 12 hypotheses, only eight hypotheses are supported and findings confirm the antecedents and outcomes of community buyers’ affective reactions in social commerce. Besides the need for empirical confirmation of the hypotheses given, finally, there are several practical implications for social marketers and future research directions for scholars.
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