Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 10 April 2020
Emancipation of Workers' and Management Thoughts for Leveraging Performance in the Public Sector
Ansgar J. Sakaya
Mzumbe University, Tanzania

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Pages: 507-523
Keywords: Workers, Job Performance, Job Security, Public Sector, Tanzania
The study aimed at examining the role of Job Security in influencing workers' Performance in the Public Sector. Data were gathered through survey questionnaire from sample of 60 workers at Tandahimba district Council Head quarter in Tanzania. Sampling strategies used were stratified and simple random sampling. Data were analysed quantitatively through descriptive statistics-compared means, ANOVA, t-test, Kruskal-Wallis test and Factors analysis. Findings indicate that, significant differences exist between workers and their demographic characteristics towards job performance and job security; moreover, they also account for a portion of their performance problems. Persistence of performance problems in the public sector has been attributed to Governance factors like proficiency problems of line-managers. Behaviour factors of workers like poor attitude towards the employer, public funds and properties. Economic factors like workers' over-dependence on the government. The study recommends people in management levels in the public sector of Tanzania to embark on proper strategic management practices as all best practices for managing workers and their performance have already been laid down; the issue is how to use them strategically for better outcomes of workers and the government excellence. Helping Public workers to understand that, they are expected to be more patriotic in serving the public interest, act in due diligence in protecting public properties and funds, continue insisting public workers on the role of self-values and integrity in public service as it will help them couple with complex work conditions.
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