Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 03 June 2022
From Plato to e-Leaders: The Evolution of Leadership Theories and Styles
Murillo de Oliveira Dias, Juliana Pan, Patrícia Vieira, Leonardo José Dias Pereira
Fundação Getulio Vargas (Brazil), Université de Bordeaux (France)

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Pages: 133-146
Keywords: Leadership Theories, Leadership Styles
In this work, we addressed the epistemology of Leadership styles and supporting theories, providing a new perspective on the emerging themes after careful analysis and revision. From examining 37 leadership supporting theories, and 120 leadership styles, themes relating to the nature of Leadership emerged from the analysis, such as "cognitive" or "behavioral;" "situational" or "transformational;" "eye-to-eye" or "remote," and from the literature review, such as "informal or formal," "small groups" or "organizations," and leaders. As a result, we believe it is possible to reduce somehow the confusion that has contaminated leadership research for more than a century, paving the way for future research by understanding complex concepts affecting Leadership over the centuries.
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