Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 15 November 2023
Human Capital and Institutional Ownership Roles on Profit Sustainability in Banking
Endang Etty Merawati, Syahril Djaddang, Ari Kristanto, Stella Natasha
Universitas Pancasila

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Pages: 95-108
Keywords: Human Capital, Institutional Ownership, Corporate Social Responsibility, Independent Commissioner, Profitability
Applying the principles of Good Corporate Governance is a major factor in building a solid and reliable corporate fundamentals to achieve sustainable corporate profitability. The aim of this research is to examine the influence of CSR and Independent Commissioners on Profitability which is moderated by Value Added Human Capital and Institutional Ownership. This study uses a quantitative method, where the data source used secondary data taken from the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The contribution of this research is the higher the proportion of independent commissioners, the more independent commissioners will carry out optimal supervision of operational activities. The board of independent commissioners greatly determines the company's success in achieving goals and improving the company's financial performance so that the company's ROA has increased. VAHC can weaken Komi's effect on ROA and is not significant. In principle, appropriate human capital activities can motivate Komi to achieve profitability. Institutional ownership affects company performance because institutional ownership can encourage more optimal supervision and monitoring mechanisms can guarantee shareholder prosperity, so institutional ownership will encourage managers to show good performance in front of shareholders. Institutional Ownership Contribution in moderating the influence of the Committee on ROA.
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