Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 17 January 2023
Opportunities and Constraints Confronting transformation Towards a Green Economy in the Developing Countries
Haga Elimam
King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia

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Pages: 19-30
Keywords: Ecological Scarcities, Poverty, Biodiversity, Low Carbon World, Organic Products, Green Economy, Sustainable Development
In the growing economy of developing countries, the environment is getting unsustainable. There is the requirement of goals that are standardized and complementary for the promotion of Green Economy Growth and developed the constraints confronting transformation and providing opportunities. Industrial civilization and inorganic products erode the healthy pathway. World global policies initiated the transformation of the planet as the result of the “Green go Economy”. This platform is an alternate vision for that developing countries' growth and development which are facing climate change, biodiversity losses, water scarcity, and negative externalities. This study aims to assess the effect of environmental factors quality of living standards, opportunities, and constraints confronting transformation towards a green economy in developing countries. The study measured the dimensions and principles of the “green economy” as a base for additional society development. The several challenges to initiating a green economy and achieving sustainable technological change need to be understood by professionals and policymakers to make adequate changes in the social setting. Effective influence on the level of echo of several important phenomena was implemented for the aspirational transformation of economic and environmental measurement. The recent developments are improving cheap, faster broader frameworks for measuring socio-economic environmental interactions. In the light of UNEP, OECD, and UN policies all the issues, challenges, and critics of the green economy that developing countries are facing are positively analyzed for promoting the green economy for sustainable development and maintaining a long-term relationship between environment and economic growth. The reviewer has many objectives for better improvement of measures in Green economy transformation. The study contributes towards the green economy development over a policy to decrease the environmental risks and progress economic growth. The study concludes that better investment in green product GDP, better interaction in the economy society environment, and ecosystem, and better economic transformation methodologies of the green economy will attain attention for a better future in developing countries.
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